Mar Vista Cottages

at Anchor Bay

In our guests own words and through their eyes...

Some of our guests
play music for
our other guests...

A Christmas Carol by Lily....

Dear Renata and Tom,

Thank you for the wonderful welcome as we came back here again from our May visit. The beautiful decorated paths with the luminary candles were magical, and we especially loved the basket of eggs with fresh walnuts and CANDY CANES! Nothing beats the special treat of having Lily here and her wonderful playing with her violin and her singing companion wishing us all A Very Merry Christmas. When we came here in May you had mentioned that there would be nice decorations for the holiday I never imagined it would be so beautiful. Thank you for all you did to make Mar Vista so special. May 2012 be the very best for you and your family. Thank you, Angela and Sue

P.S. Bowling Ball Beach was fantastic