Do someone you care for a big favor,
Take away their guilt
You can always buy yourself a tie, right?
But how easy is it to treat yourself to a retreat?
Gee, you have to research a location, and
think about arranging for time off, and packing.
What about the children? What about the dog?
What about the goldfish? Do you find excuses?
Do you remind yourself of all those things you
have to do when you have a moment.
They're HISTORY, they're lost opportunities.
So, give someone you love an extended
moment in time for themselves.
Take away their guilt.
Give them a chance to lolligag, to be lazy,
maybe to do nothing, to dream, to read a
great book, to take a walk. To do some
ordinary things that are now RARE.
Give them a beautiful GIFT CERTIFICATE
for a wondrous stay in a little
Mar Vista Cottage by the Sea,
and free them from their wordly
responsibilities for a moment in time.
A simple phone call will do it!
Or even an email message...